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Free Reading

Ask for your free Online Reading!

Do you have questions about your future? Are you afraid of missing out on great opportunities? Do you need support to make the best decisions? My Sensory Reading is meant for you!

How do I conduct your free Personal Reading?

I perform it by connecting to your aura from a distance. It is a preliminary phase designed to activate my senses. It allows me to know a little more about you, your emotions, your aspirations, your blockages…

After this first step, I enter into a sensory trance. This is a modified state of consciousness that allows me to receive a flow of sensory information. I also read in coffee or tea grounds.

Thanks to my gifts, I can connect to your inner self to receive what I refer to as “pure knowledge”. I can then deliver your Sensory Reading. This precious document is the result of my research for you.

What will you receive?

I like to give my best from the very first contact. That is why you will receive a very comprehensive document that may already help you to see your current situation more clearly.

You will find the following elements:

My Gifts to You!

Upon receipt of this information, I will send you a Talisman for Expressive Protection of your Aura.

Its purpose is twofold. Not only will it act as a sort of protective shield around you, but it will also make it easier for me to connect with you from a distance.

This talisman is very powerful. You should soon notice it.

Moreover, in addition to this First Free Reading, you will receive every month a very detailed Horoscope especially prepared for you!

Like a source of inspiration, it will accompany you to guide you along your Path to Light. It will be your best ally to move forward with peace of mind so you can avoid potential pitfalls.

What information do you need to provide me with?

In order for me to connect to you in the best conditions, I will need the following information:

I look forward to receiving your request for a First Free Reading! I know that it could quickly make a difference in your life …

Always here for you,

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